Support CityLight Church North Adelaide
Throughout the Bible, we see God enriches the lives of those who give Him their hearts, and provides for those who selflessly and joyfully provide for others. We believe that all we have is a gift from God, given to us by His love and generosity. Therefore, we encourage all to cheerfully give, not out of obligation, but as a representation of our thanks to God and love for others.
The money that is gifted provides for our staff, ministries, building and maintenance as well as supporting other communities and churches around Adelaide and the world.
We are committed to being fully transparent in our finances and financial process. If you have any questions please email us or talk to one of the eldership team in person.

Ways to give
If you have chosen to support our church financially you can give by direct debit using the following bank details, or by cash by placing it in the ‘Giving’ box on a Sunday.
Account name | CityLight North Adelaide |
BSB | 065 108 |
Account number | 10439760 |